Corinne Lombion has been the President of the Board of the Caribbean Family Planning Affiliation (CFPA) since July 2017. She also serves as the President of the Association Guadeloupéenne pour le Planning Familial. She is a graduate in Political science and European economy from North London University and is an entrepreneur in the hospitality and tourism sector and manager of two training centres, specializing in the socio-medical field and languages.
Corinne strongly believes that every individual must be free to express his/her sexual identity and to have the right to quality health services, in a world free of discrimination. She believes that women must have the right to make choices regarding their bodies and their lives. According to Corinne, “the time is now to build a healthy and empowered Caribbean through access to quality Sexual & Reproductive Health services as well as the promotion of Sexual & Reproductive Rights.”
Corinne Lombion believes in the strength of the Caribbean Family Planning Affiliation with its decades of activism, reflected by its successes as well as expertise in the field of SRHR.